1. Britain has allied itself with other western powers for trade and defence.

2. But when I met Mark I found him a charming and intelligent young guy.

3. This trade agreement is advantageous to both countries.

4. The UN put an embargo on trade with Iraq as sanctions.

5. The trade union leader spoke about the grievances of the workmen.

6. Trade between the two countries was interrupted by the war.

7. This trade has not been legalized.

8. This continental slope usually starts at a place somewhere near the 100-fathom mark and in the course of a few hundred miles reaches the true ocean floor at 2,500-3,500 fathoms.

9. These days, it is differences in national regulations, far more than tariffs, that put sand in the wheels of trade between rich countries.

10. They hope to finish in time for a trade summit between America and the EU on May 28th.